Occupational and Firefighting training


The mission of the welearntraining Fire and Rescue Department is to prepare work force answerable for modern fire insurance and crisis administrations, all through the UAE. We help them bargain successfully and proficiently with the social, financial, and specialized parts of fire and crisis reaction. We improve their polished skill, and abilities to shield the UAE from the demolition of fire, ecological, normal and man-made crises by giving cutting edge schooling, preparing, assets, confirmation, and authority.


This instructional class is intended to teach new firefighting applicants on the essentials of fire and fire reaction. They will get comfortable with beginning and creating fire situations, and how to appropriately deal with the scene collectively. This  Occupational and Firefighting training  course is for the individuals who might manage occurrences at the beginning stage, and furnishes them with information on fundamental fire conduct, quenchers, hoses, water supply, sprinkler frameworks, and well-being direction, just as how to rescue, update, and secured.


Essential, progressed, and concentrated firefighting-related courses are intended to furnish students with the information and important abilities to oversee and douse a fire.


This course is intended for laborers who might confront openness to a firefighting peril. The course gives students the fundamental standards of fire burning and moves to make on finding a fire. It likewise examines kinds of fire dousers and their activity, including the utilization of fire covers and hose reels.



This course is for coastal and seaward faculty who need inside and out firefighting information. The course gives staff assigned as fire-colleagues/progressed firemen with the information and abilities needed to undertaking firefighting tasks. It stresses association, strategies, and order.



This course gives preparing to any individual liable for emptying individuals from a structure/region during a crisis circumstance. Understudies get familiar with the essential standards of fire ignition, what moves to make on finding a fire, and how to deal with the clearing of all people from the agents' assigned regions during a fire or other crisis.

Unit 601, 6th Floor, Sobha Ivory Tower 2 Business Bay, Dubai, UAE

 04 - 4405923



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